Sunday, May 10, 2009

OH! It has been awhile

Oh, my it has been awhile since I blogged. Sorry if there is anyone out there that reads these silly ramblings of mine. But, I think I am back in the groove and will be more diligent at keeping the posting up to date.
I have a few pictures to share with you. Lots of things have been going on with the grandkids but not much with me. . . . I was laid off of my work in March and you would think I had lots of time. I don't! I have just done a few things here and there. It kind of threw me for a loop. I have worked for most of my life and so to be thrown into not having to get up in the mornings and go to work was quite an adjustment. But now it is wonderful. I hope to find a part-time job in the future, but as long as I can I am going to be retired.

It was prom time in April and the "big grandchild" Joel was the most handsome young man there and of course his date Mattie Snow was the prettiest. You will see their picture on the side bar.

Went to dinner with the friends in April also. Picture is also posted.

Went with Vickie on Friday. We always have a riot when we go together. Just bumming

Spent three days with my Aunt Colleen . It was a treat. Love to be with her. We too just go shopping and bumming.

My life is nothing spectacular, but again it is my life.

1 comment:

Lisa said...

Yeah you finally posted :) It looks like it has been a busy couple of months. I am glad you are enjoying yourself I hope you won't have to go back to work. Just enjoy your time with your grandkids.


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