Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Painting & More Painting

I am not going to tantalize you with a picture,
I am just going to tell you
I am
Added more painting. . .. . . .
I hope to show you tomorrow,
I am so excited to start on the details of it
I can't sleep tonight!
It has been one hot day here in the West Desert of Utah
I have been painting on my little patio.
I have sanded, primed and painted
2 seperate projects.
It is something I have been waiting to do.
Something I saw on another Blog
and thought
"Hmmmmmm, maybe I can do that, just maybe.
So I found the right object at the one and only
place to find cheap objects
(love that place, I find the neatest things)
I have debated on the color
finally I had it all picked out in my mind.
Now I had to find it at the paint store (Wal-Mart)
Sanding, priming and painting
takes a long time.
You have to wait for paints to dry.
And the little object took 3 coats of 2 different paint colors.
tomorrow morning, when it is cool and nice.
I will put the finishing touches on my project
I promise I will show pictures and tell you about how I did it.
Right now my life is kind of consumed in softball games and DIY projects
I have decided that doing DIY projects is so fun because it is the
thrill of finding just the right thing to do the project
and the thrill of accomplishing something you created.
That's how it is to shop at thrift stores, (DI)
It is the thrill of the hunt
and finally finding something that is totally out of the ordinary
and to make it all worth it , the price is cheap.
Among all the things I like and collect. . ..
I like books, especially old books.
While at DI the other day I came across some very old books.
Like 1927, 1932, 1937
Someone must have been cleaning out their parents or grandparents house.
These books had been given to someone, because'
there were inscriptions on the inside of the book.
I liked the looks of the tattered yellowed books
it told me that the books had been loved.
Someone liked reading them, over and over again.
The books were not only full of information but they had
Charm and personality.
I was immediately drawn to them.
I only bought 4 books
and I wish I had bought more
(I may go back and see if anymore are there)
I have this weird thinking that inate things have personalities!
I know, it is weird! I agree!
The furniture I pick up at DI, or other thrifty places and especially "road kill"
I think, I am drawn to it because for some strange reason they want to come to my home
and be part of my life. They want me to fix them up and make them pretty.
And in the case of books, they want me to enjoy their words as they tell me a story or
impart knowledge to me.
All this "stuff" I have acquired in my many years of life
are like friends to me. Some things hold such tender memories there is no way
I could ever part with it . . . . .
I believe in enjoying the "stuff" I have. Love it, place it where you can see it.
where you can enjoy its personality and charm!
Weird, I know! But that is how I am !

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